Why Is Accessing ADHD Medication Difficult?

Hello folks! I hope you are doing well. I wrote the following piece about some recent misadventures in the search for appropriate medication–I hope some of you can relate:

Accessing ADHD Medication: Legal Barriers Can Make It Difficult


“People with ADHD already struggle to keep track of appointments, follow regulations, and take their medication on time. Some laws even require that you carry controlled substances in their original bottles (so much for pill organizers). Supposedly, it is better to leave medication at home, which is difficult since many stimulants are instant-release and need to be taken multiple times during the day.”

ADHD and Change… Help!

Hello folks! I just wanted to post a video to accompany my recently posted article about change and ADHD, which can be so very hard indeed…

Adult ADHD and Making Transitions from One Thing to the Next

Adult ADHD can make transitioning from one activity to another frustrating. Get more info at https://www.healthyplace.com/blogs/li…, ‘ADHD and Transitions: Change Is Tough; How to Deal with It’

Change doesn’t have to be big to be difficult when you live with ADHD. Get tips on how to navigate change by working with ADHD instead of against it. Watch.

Transitions are hard for ADHD sufferers, no matter how small it seems. Learn why transitions are so hard for ADHDers and get tips to deal with change here. https://bit.ly/2LP0p9d

ADHD Makes Minor Transitions Difficult

Hi hi! Here is a video and article about change and ADHD…

ADHD and Transitions: Change Is Tough; How to Deal with It

Transitions are hard for ADHD sufferers, no matter how small it seems. Learn why transitions are so hard for ADHDers and get tips to deal with change here.

“One reason transitions are so hard for ADHDers is because we perseverate, or hyperfocus, on certain activities. In other words, once we get started on something that catches our interest, it is difficult to stop. I sometimes feel as though I am falling down a rabbit hole of obsessions and am unable to crawl out.”

How Positive Thinking Causes Problems for Those with ADHD

Hi folks! I have often had problems with “positive thinking” and forced positivity. At this point in my life, I am finally coming around to some of it. First, though, I think you have to go through a lot of self-validation and facing the facts. Below is an article I wrote for HealthyPlace about how problematic certain kinds of positive thinking can be for those with ADHD. Thank you!

Unrealistic Positive Thinking Can Harm People with ADHD


“Positive thinking rests on controlling one’s thoughts and emotions. The most helpful kind of positive thinking balances optimism and realism and allows space for growth. The less helpful kind denies reality and points to the individual as the source of all of his or her happiness and pain.”

ADHD and Blooming Late

Hellloooooo! Another post with HealthyPlace, and a video to boot. Things have been fairly busy lately, but I still have been enjoying writing about ADHD for HealthyPlace. I hope this article about being a “late bloomer” (whatever that is) is somewhat encouraging.

Are People with ADHD Late Bloomers?

“How do you learn to trust yourself or know what your identity is when you do not have a sense of stability? People often talk about the turbulence of youth, but a lot of ADHDers experience a kind of turbulence far beyond their teenage years. This makes it difficult to settle down, find satisfaction, and reach those ‘milestones’ in life, such as getting married or buying a house.”

ADHD and Cultural Myths

Hi folks. Happy July 5th! I just wanted to share a fairly recent post I wrote with HealthyPlace about cultural misconceptions of ADHD, particularly American ones. You can read more by clicking the link in the title. Thanks!

ADHD Myths and Misconceptions Vary by Culture

“This focus on self-improvement and independence can encourage some ADHDers to take responsibility for their condition, prompting them to seek doctors, therapists, and coaches who can get them on the right track. It can also lead to more self-care and a positive kind of selfishness. On the other hand, the American emphasis on self-reliance can likewise discourage people with ADHD from looking for outside solutions for fear of facing common ADHD myths and misconceptions that paint their disorder with too broad a brush.”

Accidents and ADHD

Unfortunately, people with ADHD seem to at high risk for getting into all sorts of accidents. In this short article, I describe a few reasons for this and a few steps you can take to decrease the chance of accidents!

ADHD and Accidents: How Can You Reduce Your Risk of Injury?

“Both children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more prone to getting into accidents than the average person. Someone I know who has ADHD almost fell off of a climbing wall and later flipped onto his helmeted head from a bicycle, both during gym class. Several studies have shown that drivers with ADHD are perhaps 50% more likely to get into car accidents than those without the condition. There are a number of reasons for these results and, fortunately, a few things that can be done to address these risks of accidents with ADHD.”

Why Do ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Overlap?

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is an odd one. The condition seems designed to oppress those who think differently. However, I decided to look into it a little more. Though research on the condition is ongoing, ODD does describe a series of symptoms that many identify with. I wondered why it so often coincided with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Below, you can read my short overview of ODD and its relationship with ADHD.

How Are ADHD and ODD Connected?

“There are many qualifications for this diagnosis. These symptoms must be fairly pervasive and exist for at least six months. Though ODD occurs with numerous other conditions, including learning disabilities, anxiety, and depression, these behavioral problems cannot exclusively occur due to mood disorders, bipolar episodes, psychosis, or substance abuse. In addition, the person has to have neither conduct disorder nor APD.”